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Internet User Survey #2

Survey started: March 21, 1999

Total Respondents: 8151

Your Age:
18.4% 1501 22-25
15.9% 1293 26-30
11.3% 921 31-35
8.1% 663 36-40
6.3% 515 41-45
5.8% 471 21
5.5% 448 16-17
4.8% 395 20
4.8% 393 46-50
4.1% 337 19
4.1% 336 18
3.7% 304 13-15
3.0% 242 51-55
1.4% 111 56-60
0.6% 47 61-65
0.4% 36 Under 12
0.4% 33 No Answer
0.4% 31 66-70
0.2% 15 81+
0.1% 12 71-80
Your Sex:
56.2% 4579 Male
39.7% 3233 Female
3.0% 248 No Answer
Highest level of education completed:
24.0% 1954 College - Bachelors degree
20.8% 1692 College - currently enrolled
19.6% 1601 Some college
11.5% 939 College - Masters degree
9.9% 805 Some high school
8.8% 721 High school graduate
2.7% 224 College - PhD
1.5% 125 No Answer
What industry are you involved with or studying (if a student)? If you are involved in more than one business/industry, select the one relating to your main source of income/vocation:
15.9% 1293 Student
14.6% 1188 Computers
10.2% 831 Advertising/Marketing/PR
6.4% 519 Other - service oriented
5.3% 433 Education
4.1% 333 No Answer
3.5% 289 Engineering/Electrical/Mechanical/Civil
3.4% 275 Finance
3.3% 269 General Business
3.3% 268 Medical
3.2% 264 Arts (photography, music, design, etc.)
2.9% 240 Sales
2.8% 226 Politics/Public Service
2.3% 189 Publishing/Journalism
2.3% 184 Psychology/Sociology
1.9% 156 Administration
1.8% 149 Legal
1.8% 145 Manufacturing - industrial products
1.7% 138 Retail/Merchandising
1.5% 119 Manufacturing - consumer products
1.2% 97 Military
1.0% 84 Hospitality/Food
1.0% 78 Construction/Architechture
0.9% 72 Other - product oriented
0.7% 60 Biological
0.7% 59 Tourism
0.7% 53 Chemical/Geological
0.6% 45 Maintenance/Repair
What type of position do you have?
35.3% 2879 Student
14.7% 1201 Other
12.2% 997 Mid-level management
7.4% 603 Production/development
6.5% 531 Top-level Executive/CEO/CFO
5.3% 434 Operations/business support (accounting, human resources, etc.)
4.4% 356 No Answer
4.0% 324 Sales
3.7% 298 Secretarial/assistant/receptionist
3.4% 281 Product/service support
1.9% 157 Maintenance/repair
What is your average annual family income?
16.9% 1375 No Answer
8.3% 674 $41k-$50k
8.0% 650 $10k-$20k
7.3% 592 $51k-$60k
6.3% 515 $81k-$100k
6.2% 503 Under $10k
5.9% 482 $61k-$70k
5.9% 477 $21k-$25k
5.5% 449 $30k-$35k
5.4% 442 $36k-$40k
5.3% 436 $71k-$80k
5.3% 433 $26k-$30k
4.4% 358 $101k-$120k
2.5% 207 $151k-$200k
2.3% 185 $121k-$150k
2.1% 173 Over $300k
1.3% 106 $200k-$300k
What is your marital status?
55.8% 4548 Never been married
32.2% 2628 Married
6.0% 486 Divorced
3.5% 289 No Answer
1.3% 110 Separated
How many times have you been married?
54.4% 4435 0
29.4% 2398 1
6.8% 557 2
5.5% 451 No Answer
1.7% 140 3
0.8% 65 7+
0.4% 29 4
0.2% 17 5
0.1% 11 6
How many children do you have?
66.3% 5404 0
11.5% 937 2
10.0% 816 1
4.7% 383 3
2.7% 217 No Answer
2.2% 183 4
0.7% 59 5
0.6% 51 9+
0.4% 30 6
0.2% 13 8
0.1% 9 7
How long have you been at your current job (if you're a student, how many years have you been in college)?
15.1% 1229 1-2 years
12.3% 1001 2-3 years
11.2% 909 6 months - 1 year
10.8% 877 Less than 6 months
9.1% 738 3-4 years
8.4% 685 Elementary/High School
7.2% 583 4-5 years
5.2% 424 No Answer
5.2% 421 6-7 years
4.5% 369 8-10 years
4.5% 366 11-15 years
2.6% 210 16-20 years
2.1% 173 21-30 years
0.5% 43 31-40 years
0.4% 33 41+ years
How do you access the Internet now?
22.9% 1864 From work
22.7% 1848 Local independent ISP
21.7% 1768 Via my school
17.9% 1462 AOL
14.9% 1218 Local telephone company
13.2% 1073 Other national ISP/Telco
12.2% 993 MSN
10.6% 863 Local cable company
5.5% 446 Friend's computer
4.2% 344 AT&T
3.7% 304 Earthlink
3.5% 288 Local free net
3.5% 287 Public Terminals/Cyber cafe
3.5% 284 Prodigy
2.8% 226 Netcom
2.1% 173 Compuserve
1.1% 91 Sprint
0.9% 73 Pipeline
0.7% 58 MCI
What's the maximum speed you access the Internet at from HOME?
28.9% 2353 Modem - 56k
13.7% 1120 Modem - 28.8k
12.9% 1053 Modem - 33.6k
9.6% 779 Cable-Modem
6.0% 489 Don't have access at home
4.8% 390 I'm not sure.
4.5% 365 Other high speed twisted pair (DSL, etc.)
4.3% 350 No Answer
4.2% 341 Modem - 14.4k
3.8% 311 Modem - not sure
1.5% 122 ISDN - 128k
1.4% 116 ISDN - 56/64k
0.8% 63 Full T1 (1.54Mb)
0.7% 61 Modem - less than 14.4k
0.4% 29 Multiple T3s
0.3% 26 ISDN - multiple
0.3% 23 Fractional T1
0.3% 23 Other
0.2% 18 Full T3 (45Mb)
0.2% 16 Fractional T3
0.2% 16 Multiple T1s
What's the maximum speed you access the Internet at from WORK?
16.8% 1368 Don't have access at work
16.0% 1308 No Answer
8.6% 698 I'm not sure.
7.6% 616 Full T1 (1.54Mb)
7.4% 604 Modem - 56k
5.6% 453 Not sure - it's over a LAN
4.2% 341 Modem - 28.8k
3.9% 318 Cable-Modem
3.7% 299 ISDN - 128k
3.5% 289 Modem - 33.6k
3.5% 285 Modem - not sure
3.0% 247 Other high speed twisted pair (DSL, etc.)
3.0% 242 Fractional T1
2.7% 221 ISDN - 56/64k
2.2% 179 Multiple T1s
1.6% 131 Full T3 (45Mb)
1.5% 125 ISDN - multiple
1.3% 108 Multiple T3s
1.3% 102 Modem - 14.4k
0.6% 45 Other
0.5% 41 Fractional T3
0.5% 38 Modem - less than 14.4k
Have you ever purchased anything over the Internet?
46.9% 3822 Yes (several times)
32.5% 2648 No
14.7% 1202 Yes (once)
5.1% 416 No Answer
What do you primarily use the Internet for?
81.0% 6599 Research
79.9% 6514 Communication/keeping in touch
56.9% 4634 Education
50.8% 4142 Games/Entertainment
48.1% 3918 Get the latest news/financial information
37.1% 3023 Online shopping
33.4% 2724 Online chatting
27.6% 2251 Employment/job searching
22.4% 1828 I have a personal web page
21.4% 1744 Meeting new people; sharing interests
21.2% 1724 Newsgroups
20.4% 1663 Political/social causes
19.1% 1556 'Adult' (sexual) activities
16.8% 1367 I'm involved with an Internet-based business
8.6% 702 To generate additional revenue; explore entrepeneurship
5.9% 481 Promotion of a non-Internet related business
4.4% 359 Video conferencing
On average how much e-mail do you receive?
21.4% 1747 3-5/day
18.7% 1521 6-10/day
12.6% 1029 11-20/day
11.8% 962 1-2/day
10.9% 888 About 1-5 a week
6.4% 523 21-30/day
3.9% 317 31-40/day
2.6% 210 41-50/day
1.8% 147 Less than 1 a week
1.6% 134 76-100/day
1.5% 126 51-75/day
1.3% 103 No Answer
1.3% 102 101-200/day
1.2% 96 None - don't have e-mail
0.9% 75 Less than 1 a month
0.6% 49 201-500/day
0.6% 45 2000+/day
0.1% 10 501-1000/day
0.1% 5 1000-2000/day

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